The SDG Forum goes from 8:00AM to 12:30PM in Lund
Venue: Lux Aula
08:00AM Registration
08:30AM Opening remarks from Associate Professor Cliona O’Sullivan, University College Dublin, Chair of the U21 HSG SDG Initiative
09:00AM “Climate change and health - An overview and the example of Sweden” from Karin Lundgren Kownacki, Swedish Metereological and Hydrological Institute
09:45AM Break
10:15AM “Planetary Health Report Card - A Tool for Student Staff Partnership” from Camille Huser, Waqar Ahmed, Elise MacFarland and Karolina Omenzetter, at Glasgow University. Cliona O’Sullivan, University College Dublin
11:15AM Workshop: “What is the best way to facilitator learning about climate change and health for health professional students?” Martha Chadyiwa, University of Johannesburg
12:30PM Lunch (available from 12:15PM)