Core Meeting - Day 3
2:00 PM14:00

Core Meeting - Day 3

This day goes from 8:00AM to 4:00PM in Lund

Venue: LUX AULA, Helgonabacken 3, Lund

08:00AM Registration

08:30AM University Mental Health Group Meeting

Introduction and welcome, Gloria Wong, Co-Chair of the University Mental Health Group, University of Hong Kong

"Implementing Mental Health First Aid in the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University - from start to present", Student Welfare Officer Elin Linderberg and Senior Lecturer Maria Swanberg, Lund University

"Developing a Student-Staff Partnership in University Mental Wellbeing: Wellness@HKU", Dr Gloria Wong, The University of Hong Kong, and Dr Linda Chan and Ms Hui En (online), The University of Hong Kong

"Environment and Student Mental Health: Open Forum", Professor Annie Temane, University of Johannesburg, and Professor Kirsty Hill, University of Birmingham, and TBD

"University Mental Health at U21: Next Steps", U21 University Mental Health Group

10:00AM Break

10:30AM Plenary, “Knowledge for a Transition to Carbon Neutrality” from Professor and Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz, Lund University

12:00PM Lunch (Foyer)

12:00PM Deans of Medicine Lunch (Room: LUX C215)

12:00PM Deans of Nursing and Midwifery Lunch (Room: LUX C337)

01:00PM Reports from the Discipline Groups

01:45PM Plenary, “Sustainable Internationalization of research and higher education in a multipolar world” from Professor David Gisselsson Nord, Lund University

03:00PM Break

03:10PM Final Remarks from Professor David Gisselsson Nord, Lund University

Introduction of the U21 HSG 2024 Annual Meeting

Introduction of the U21 HSG 2024 Summer School

Formal close of the U21 HSG 2023 Annual Meeting

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Core Meeting - Day 2
2:00 PM14:00

Core Meeting - Day 2

This day goes from 8:00AM to 5:30PM in Lund

Venue: Lux Aula

08:00AM Registration

08:30AM Interprofessional Education Group

Welcome and introductions, Sibusiso Mdletshe, Chair of the IPE Group, University of Auckland

“Educating health professionals about climate change and health”, Associate Researcher Andreas Vilhelmsson, Divison of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University.

“Report on the 2023 IPE Student Challenge,” Christine Hirsch, University of Birmingham and Marike de Ruiter, University of Amsterdam

"2023 IPE Staff Activities." Lynne Hazell, University of Johannesburg

"IPE collaboration between Hong Kong University, University of Auckland and McMaster University," Fred Ganotice, University of Hong Kong

10:15AM Break

10:30AM Plenary, “Our Health is on Fire — the perspective of health students” from Clara Brune and Clara Kihlborg Med Student and Project Manager, Karolinska Institute and International Federation of Medical Students Association

11:45AM Global Learning Partnership, Gillian Webb, University of Melbourne, and Paola Reynoso Lobo, Tecnologico de Monterrey, and Waqar Ahmen, University of Glasgow

12:00PM Executive Committee Meeting + Lunch: Forum Medicum E11080

12:15PM Lunch

01:30PM Teaching Excellence Award Workshop: “Creating international academic partnerships and opportunities for virtual student exhange - using “CHAT” to initiate a global community of learners” - 2022 TEA Winners, Dr. Teresa Chan (McMaster University) and Associate Professor Peter Lewis, University of Queensland

03:00PM Break

03:30PM Discipline Group Meetings

Biomedical Sciences: Room E13010

Dentistry: To be added during the meeting

Medicine: Room E13031

Health and Rehab Sciences: room E13035

Nursing & Midwifery: Room E13046

Pharmacy: Room E13025

Public Health: Room E13063

International Development Group meeting: Room E13036

05:30PM Day ends

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Core Meeting - Day 1
7:15 PM19:15

Core Meeting - Day 1

This first half day goes from 12:30PM to 5:15PM in Lund

Venue: Lux Aula, Helgonabacken 3

12:15PM Lunch

01:00PM Welcome Address and Opening Remarks from Maria Björkqvist, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University

Message from Professor Jenny Dixon, Provost of U21

01:30PM U21 HSG Overview and Key Projects, Professor David Gisselsson, Lund University, Deputy Chair of the U21 HSG Executive Committee

01:45PM Plenary, “Climate Change and Health” from Professor Lennart Olsson, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies

03:15PM Break

03:45PM Plenary, “Sustainable WASH in a climate of uncertainty” from Professor Sara Gabrielsson, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies

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Sustainable Development Goals Forum
2:00 PM14:00

Sustainable Development Goals Forum

The SDG Forum goes from 8:00AM to 12:30PM in Lund

Venue: Lux Aula

08:00AM Registration

08:30AM Opening remarks from Associate Professor Cliona O’Sullivan, University College Dublin, Chair of the U21 HSG SDG Initiative

09:00AM “Climate change and health - An overview and the example of Sweden” from Karin Lundgren Kownacki, Swedish Metereological and Hydrological Institute

09:45AM Break

10:15AM “Planetary Health Report Card - A Tool for Student Staff Partnership” from Camille Huser, Waqar Ahmed, Elise MacFarland and Karolina Omenzetter, at Glasgow University. Cliona O’Sullivan, University College Dublin

11:15AM Workshop: “What is the best way to facilitator learning about climate change and health for health professional students?” Martha Chadyiwa, University of Johannesburg

12:30PM Lunch (available from 12:15PM)

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Doctoral Student Forum
2:30 PM14:30

Doctoral Student Forum

This day goes from 8:30AM to 4:30PM in Lund

Venue: BELFRAGESALEN, Klinikgatan 32 (15th Floor)

08:30AM Registration

09:00AM Introduction / Welcome from Associate Professor Magnus Sandberg (Lund University)

09:15AM Masterclass, “When Two Roads Diverge – Sustainable Careers in Sustainability,” Dr. Ken Winkel, University of Melbourne

10:15AM Break

10:45AM Student podium presentations

12:30PM Lunch

01:15PM Student podium presentations

02:40PM Break

03:00PM Student poster presentations

04:20PM Prizegiving and Drinks + Nibbles

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