U21 University Mental Health Online Symposium 2024 Series
The U21 University Mental Health Group is launching a series of online symposiums to exchange ideas about implementation of the 5 principles (see below). The first in this series was held with the below details. This symposium is a collaboration between U21 Health Sciences Group and U21.
Date: 26 April 2024 (Friday)
Time: 3:30-5:00pm ADET | 12:30-2:00pm HKT | 5:30-7:00am GMT
Format: Hybrid (online, and f2f @HKU)
Topic: Evidence-based university mental health (Our focus is on Principle 4 of the Declaration “The University will facilitate the building of an evidence base through monitoring and evaluating the need for, and outcome and effectiveness of, all mental health and wellbeing policies, programs and services delivered by the University”).
Replay of the session:
Opening remarks: Samson Tse, Dean of Student Affairs, HKU
U21 University Mental Health Declaration: Vivienne Browne, Director, Policy and Engagement, Orygen; Chair, U21 University Mental Health Group
Student video show: University of Johannesburg
Lightning talks:
The development and use of a Well-being, Engagement, and Research Culture (WERC) Survey for Australian higher education research students: Antje Martins, University of Queensland
Improving staff wellbeing and assessing impact – How we did it in National University of Singapore (NUS): Michelle Lee, National University of Singapore
Combining routine university data and research data to evaluate the effect of assessment design on university student mental health: Melissa Russell, University of Melbourne
Embedding wellbeing training in the first-year veterinary curriculum at UCD: Niamh Nestor and Pamela Kelly, UCD
Holistic wellbeing of undergraduate dental students: Findings and future directions: Charlotte Chan, Elise Fok, Rosealeen Lo, Wing Ng, HKU (their publication is available: https://doi.org/10.1111/eje.13003)
Fireside chat: Moderated by Sherry Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, HKU; Co-Chair, U21 University Mental Health Group
Mental health is central to university life. To support university staff and student mental health and wellbeing, a U21 University Mental Health Declaration was developed following consultation across the U21 network and endorsed by the U21 Presidents in 2020.
Our Purpose
The U21 University Mental Health Group was formed in 2018 following the U21 HSG Annual Meeting hosted by the University of Melbourne where mental health was a key theme of the meeting. It was at this meeting that an initial version of the U21 University Mental Health Declaration was created with the purpose of supporting university staff and student mental health and wellbeing.
In May 2020, following consultation across the U21 network, the final version of the Declaration, which includes a set of 5 principles was endorsed by the U21 Presidents.
The U21 University Mental Health Group, co-chaired by Vivienne Browne, Orygen, and Gloria Wong, University of Hong Kong, involves members from across seven universities from the network working together to drive the development of the Declaration and offer a range of events and associated activities.
Our Mission
To drive the continuous improvement of university mental health and wellbeing through:
Supporting university mental health planning and implementation based on the Declaration
Sharing good practice in university mental health and wellbeing among network members
Facilitate collaborative working through joint projects, resource development and research
Enabling student networks that develop new generations of leaders in the field of university mental health
U21 University Mental Health Declaration: The Five Principles
Principle 1: The University and everyone in its community commits to its role in creating, promoting and sustaining a positive environment for optimal mental health and wellbeing amongst its staff and students.
Principle 2: Students and staff are at the heart of our concern; therefore, all discussions and delivery of improved services around mental health will consult and engage with the community it aims to serve.
Principle 3: The University commits to its role in linking staff and students who require additional support for their mental health to professional and evidence-based mental health supports either on-campus or off-campus.
Principle 4: The University will facilitate the building of an evidence base through monitoring and evaluating the need for, and outcome and effectiveness of, all mental health and wellbeing policies, programs and services delivered by the University.
Principle 5: The University takes seriously and will address promptly, prejudice related to mental ill-health and will endeavour to foster a stigma-free environment of support and understanding.
Hear an overview of the project so far from Vivienne Browne, U21 University Mental Health Group Chair
U21 University Mental Health Group Members
Chaired by Vivienne Browne, Associate Director, Government Relations and Policy, Orygen the group includes members (below) from University College Dublin, University of Queensland, University of Melbourne, University of Edinburgh, University of Birmingham, University of Johannesburg and the University of Hong Kong.
Useful Resources
Now more than ever, universities will be delivering education in the context of increased levels of stress and anxiety across their staff and student populations.
We have created a resources repository useful for mental wellbeing. We would be delighted if you would share any materials with us that you are using in your university, so that we can share them with members.
Recent presentations
The U21 University Mental Health Declaration in a Post-Covid World, U21 HSG Annual Meeting 2021
Useful literature from the U21 University Mental Health workshop, U21 HSG Annual Meeting 2022, University of Auckland:
The Impact of COVID on University Mental Health: A Rapid Review
Mental health and wellbeing of PhD/PGR students, U21 HSG Annual Meeting 2021
Want to be involved?
If you are currently from a U21 member institution and would be interested in joining the group or sharing relevant resources for the repository please contact:
Alicia Lui, U21 HSG Operations Manager
✉: u21health@gmail.com