U21 HSG Student Speaker Application & Funding

In 2024, the U21 HSG Executive Committee launched the inaugural “Student Speaker Funding” for successful student applicants to have the opportunity to speak at the Universitas 21 Health Science Group (“U21 HSG”) 2024 Annual Meeting.

The intention is to involve more U21 HSG students from member universities to get involved and have an opportunity to attend the U21 HSG Annual Meeting. Throughout 2023, several U21 HSG Discipline and Project Groups have engaged students to share their perspectives on topics that the Groups are working on. The theme of the 2023 Annual Meeting (hosted by Lund University) was on “Climate Change and Health”. During the meeting, there were student presentations on: 

  • “Our Health is On Fire,” a campaign on the health impacts of climate change by healthcare students, during one of the plenary sessions,  

  • “Planetary Health Report Card”, a metric-based tool for evaluating and improving planetary health content in health professional schools, during the SDG Forum, 

  • “Sustainability in medical education” during the U21 HSG Medicine Discipline Group Meeting. 

Presentation guidelines

Any health sciences student from U21 HSG Member Institutions can apply for the opportunity to deliver a short presentation about their student-led project / initiative or activity relevant to the theme of the Annual Meeting. Examples of student-led projects / initiatives / activities (include but are not limited to campaigns, association / club, non-profit entity, development of a tool, research project [MSc / BSc level] and more). 

Award and funding  

A maximum of two successful applications will be awarded a maximum amount of US$3,000 in total. The amount awarded will depend on the location and travel costs to attend the Annual Meeting. The funding will cover economy class airfare and accommodation for a maximum of two people from the same application. 

Congratulations to the funded applicants for 2024!

Contact us

Alicia Lui, U21 HSG Operations Manager

u21health@gmail.com or alicia22@hku.hk