U21 HSG Annual Meeting 2021
Core members of the Interprofessional Education Special Interest Group delivered a session focusing on ‘Developing Collaboration for IPE Research’ as part of the U21 HSG Annual Meeting hosted by Tecnologico de Monterrey.
The session included a keynote presentation by Professor Jill Thistlethwaite on ‘What counts as good scholarship in IPE research?’ followed by presentations by Dr Emily Audet, Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals Trust, UK on ‘Key areas of focus for IPE research’ and Dr Fred Ganotice, Hong Kong University on ‘What topics might we progress?’.
The session concluded with a live Q&A session with panelists.
Presentation on Interprofessional Education from Dr Silvia Olivares Olivares, Tecnologico de Monterrey.
U21 HSG Annual Meeting 2020
Core members from the IPE Special Interest Group delivered a webinar focusing on COVID-19 and Interprofessional Education (IPE): adaptations and impact.
Hosted by Dr Sharon Buckley, University of Birmingham, Dr Allison Mandrusiak, University of Queensland & Dr Janet Wong, University of Hong Kong.
Following a keynote presentation by John H.V.Gilbert, C.M., Ph.D., LLD (Hon)., FCAHS, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia, panellists from the UK, Hong Kong, Australia and the Netherlands will share their ‘best adaptation’ and institutional perspectives on the impact of the pandemic on IPE in their institution.
U21 HSG Annual Meeting 2019
The IPE Special Interest Group met for a second time at the U21 HSG Annual Meeting hosted by the University of Glasgow. This year’s forum ‘Contemporary Challenges in Interprofessional Education’ used a World Café format to consider challenges in IPE and simulation, student leadership in IPE, patient and public involvement, transition from IPE to interprofessional practice and embedding IPE into curricula. Participants identified challenges and solutions for each theme, including ideas for U21 HSG projects; and resources to share on the Special Interest Group repository.
Download our presentations from the event here: - Overview presentation - Final report
U21 HSG Annual Meeting 2018
In September 2018, the IPE Special Interest Group held its inaugural open forum at the U21 Health Sciences Group Annual Meeting hosted by the University of Melbourne.
Delegates discussed their approach to building sustainability in IPE under five headings: Situation | Stakeholders | Solutions | Successes | Seeds to grow