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2022 winners
The Teaching Excellence Award was set up as a way to celebrate and reward exceptional educational scholarship, particularly amongst research intensive universities, across the U21 HSG network. The Award is our way to recognise leaders in this area and share their areas of good practice across the network.
The Award also helps us to nurture international cooperation, one of U21’s key objectives, by offering faculty from different universities, and regions, to work together on exciting, interdisciplinary projects.
We have great pleasure in announcing that this year’s award goes to Associate Professor Peter Lewis, University of Queensland and Dr Teresa Chan, McMaster University. We look forward to Peter and Teresa’s joint workshop they will be delivering at the U21 HSG Annual Meeting 2023 hosted by Lund University.
Associate Professor Peter Lewis,
University of Queensland
Associate Professor Peter Lewis is the Director of Teaching and Learning for The University of Queensland’s School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work. Peter’s responsibility extends to the management of all teaching and learning activities for the disciplines of nursing, midwifery, social work and counselling as well as the International Portfolio. With experience across three major Australian universities, Peter has a deep understanding of institutional identity, norms and culture, and is a well-rounded academic with outcomes across teaching, research and service. Working in tertiary education since 2003, Peter teaches across both undergraduate and postgraduate programs and supervises higher degree research students.
His broader responsibilities have included, but are not limited to: leadership in curriculum development and implementation; internal and external accreditation processes; interprofessional teaching and cooperation; development and implementation of School strategic plans; development and management of moderation processes which ensure transparency of standards of quality in implementation and outcomes; administration of programs; maintaining and developing domestic and international partnerships with both industry and external tertiary providers; and international consultancy particular to staff development and capacity building, teaching and learning and curricula development and review.
Dr Teresa Chan, McMaster University
Dr. Teresa Chan is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean of Continuing Professional Development at McMaster University and an Emergency Physician with Hamilton Health Sciences. In 2021, McMaster named her as a University Scholar, which is awarded to mid-career faculty members who are considered global leaders in their field. Dr. Chan has established an international reputation as a scholar who examines how health professionals can best use social media to increase health literacy in physicians and the lay public.
She has received multiple awards in recognition of her work, winning nearly every local award available to her as an emergency medicine educator. Among these, she received the 2021 Royal College Award for Early-Career Leadership in Medical Education; 2021 Early Career Medical Educators Champion Award; 2019 Canadian Association for Medical Education Meridith Marks New Educator Award; and the 2017 Association of Faculties of Medicine (AFMC) of Canada Young Educator Award.
Recently, she was lauded for her leadership in faculty development with the 2022 AFMC Award for Outstanding Contribution to Faculty Development in Canada. Renowned for her scholarship in faculty development and online education research, Dr. Chan is passionate about revolutionizing medical education through continued innovation, scholarship, and teaching. Among her many important innovations, she created a competency-based assessment program for emergency medicine residents and developed a globally-accessed online program that aims to foster academic and scholarly skills development in early career faculty members so they may help their trainees in return.