Camille Huser, University of Glasgow
Camille Huser is the Deputy Head of the Undergraduate Medical School at the University of Glasgow, focussing on biosciences, and is a previous Director of the postgraduate Health Professions Education Programme. Camille is a leading member of the Medical Schools Council Education for Sustainable Healthcare Alliance, and a co-Chair of the European Network on Climate and Health Education, and has been a member of the SDG group since 2017.
Carolyn Cracknell, University of Melbourne
Carolyn is a physiotherapist currently working within the University of Melbourne’s Doctor of Physiotherapy (DPT) program. As a subject coordinator Carolyn oversees the Healthcare in Context module, which develops student skills in health promotion and cultural competencies through community engagement; and a Leadership and Management subject that aims to broaden students understanding of the scope of physiotherapy and ability to influence the wider context of healthcare. Carolyn has a strong interest in health promotion and advocacy and is the current project officer for U21 SDG initiative, Global Learning Partnership.
Susanne Brokop, Lund University
Former Programme Director 2003-2018 and Senior lecturer of the Physiotherapy programme, Lund university, Sweden. Chair of the University Programme International Committee. Engaged in the U21 SDG group since 2012 and been involved as a facilitator and also arranged SDG workshops for students from the European U21 HSG universities. Led the project group and was the main course leader when Lund university hosted the U21 Summer School on the theme of Climate Change and Global Health in 2018. Created two new courses for the Physiotherapy programme in Lund in which the SDGs are incorporated in the learning outcomes.
Nadia D’Alton, University College Dublin
Nadia has recently been appointed Director of Strategic Initiatives – Sustainable Development Goals in the College of Health and Agricultural Sciences. She has extensive experience in Health Sciences Education, with strong student experience focus. Nadia represents the College in a number of Committees of UCD and is also a member of the European Association for International Educators and sits on the Access and Inclusion Expert Community Group within the EAIE which is concerned with achieving the equal participation of students and staff with disabilities in all aspects of higher education, especially international mobility. She has been a member of the U21 HSG Sustainable Development Goals strategic group for the past 5 years
Gillian Webb, University of Melbourne
Gillian has been involved with the U21 SDG group since its inception as the MDG committee and part of the core group in developing the Case studies used for educating health professional students about the MDGs/SDGs. A physiotherapy academic, Gillian’s major interests are in health professional education, curriculum development, interprofessional practice and global health. Gillian has been the lead person for the three iterations of the Global Learning Partnership in Nepal which is focused around the SDGs. Gillian is passionate about ensuring that health professional students have an understanding of the importance of the SDGs in their practice both globally and locally.
Dr. Paola Reynoso Lobo, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Dr Paola Reynoso Lobo studied Medicine at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Master of Science in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Public Health Chief in the Department of Welfare and Prevention of TecSalud (current fulltime position).
Professor in Global Health and Preventive Medicine at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Member of the COVID-19 Task Force at TecSalud.
Member of the Recovery Committee (Back to School) of Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Fredrik Bengtsson, Lund University
Fredrik Bengtsson, associate professor in neurophysiology and senior lecturer in physiology at Lund University, Sweden (LU) joined the U21 HSG SDG team in 2019. He first took part in the U21 UN SDG European workshop at University College Dublin the same year. Fredrik has his roots in the medical education where he has been deeply involved in the teaching. Since 2010 he is the course director for the second semester of the medical education. He was recently appointed to lead and manage the introduction of the SDGs throughout the medical education at LU. In particular Fredrik is interested in international relations and has worked as a lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, Harare (UZ) within a bilateral exchange program between UZ and LU. He also has a longstanding pedagogical collaboration with the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, concerning anatomy teaching. As of spring 2021, Fredrik heads the faculty working group with focus on SDGs in national and international relationships.
Marianna Laviola, University of Nottingham
Marianna Laviola is a biomedical engineer and her main research interests include the bioengineering of respiratory system, the development of computational models of human physiology and pathology, animal models of respiratory diseases, physiological measurements and ultrasonography of the diaphragm.
She is currently appointed as Research Fellow at School of Medicine of the University of Nottingham. Marianna joined the SDG team in 2019 and she wants to raise awareness about global heath among students and staff at local, national and international level and contribute with her research skills to the forthcoming SDG research projects.
Dr Cliona O’Sullivan, Chair, University College Dublin
Dr. Cliona O'Sullivan is a physiotherapist and Assistant Professor at University College Dublin, (UCD). She graduated from Robert Gordon University, Scotland in 1997 and worked for 10 years in a variety of clinical areas in Ireland, Scotland and Burkina Faso, West Africa. She holds a MSc in Community Health from Trinity College Dublin (2004) and PhD from UCD (2010).
Cliona has a keen interest in global health and endeavours to foster an awareness of global health issues among students. She is a member of Universitas 21 Health Sciences Group SDG Initiative since 2019. She has developed international interdisciplinary clinical placements in India and Uganda with UCD Volunteer Overseas (UCDVO) and a partnership with the Physiotherapy School at Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda.
Professor Louise Rainford, University College Dublin
Prof Louise Rainford's background is in the area of medical imaging, training as a radiographer in Manchester, UK. Following a move to Ireland and a twelve-year clinical career in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, she commenced work in University College Dublin, Ireland in 1992, Since 2009 she has been the Head of Radiography & Diagnostic Imaging within the UCD School of Medicine. She was appointed the Associate Dean for Radiography in 2016. Prof Rainford has supervised many graduate research students, including 19 PhD studies to completion. She is a distinguished teacher with awards for teaching excellence and she is currently focussed upon embedding clinical simulation and the use of virtual reality training into the Radiography curriculum. She is the UCD academic lead for an ERASMUS + project commencing May 2021: FORCE -Framework for Online Radiographer Clinical Education. Prof. Rainford sits on several national committees, representing Radiography education and she has experience as the Chair of the Irish Radiographers Registration Board, CORU. Prof Rainford is the Chair of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) Research Hub Committee and has contributed to numerous European committees and working groups over the past two decades.